-:- 1:1 [one on one] sessions -:-

human design + astrology readings


The best way I can serve is #holdingspace for you – what do I ask for? Your commitment, towards your own journey, and I will assist you and serve as a surface for you to see yourself in a new light - I will serve you by reflecting your own #empowerment – I am of service. Regardless of the offering you chose, I will show up, and meet you where your needs are. I will create a safe container


La mejor manera en que puedo servir es creando un espacio seguro para ti. ¿qué te pido? Tu compromiso hacia tu propio camino, y te  serviré como una superficie para que te veas a ti mismo bajo una nueva luz. Seré tu reflejo para tu propio #empoderamiento. Independientemente de la oferta que elijas.






A deep reading of your line of destiny in relation to the destiny of the collective based on evolutionary astrology; I will interpret the archetypes that compose your natal birth chart, revealing blind spots as well as opportunities through the transits to engage in transformation so that you can align with yourself and help you anchor, and thus build a structure that carries your purpose.

I use an integrated technique that uses Evolutionary Astrology, adding some elements from Human Design and Gene Keys to complement the main theme of the chart; these latest techniques are a synthesis of ancestral and modern systems such as Astrology, the Taoist I Ching and DNA genetic code sequences, which contain a set of patterns, which is a valuable tool revealing the way we absorb information and are built genetically to become unique beings, Your body is a vessel – are you living according to your design?

The session is recorded, a video and a series of illustrated images of the chart will be delivered to you after the reading. Online sessions only; to schedule and confirm an appointment, payment must be done at least 48 hours prior to the session. Info needed: date, hour, place of birth + three questions.

Progressions- Solar return -Integrated reading, synastry etc.


Una lectura profunda de su línea de destino en relación con el destino del colectivo basado en la astrología evolutiva; Interpretaré los arquetipos que componen tu carta natal, estos arquetipos revelan tanto los puntos ciegos como las oportunidades a través de los tránsitos y promueven la transformación, de modo que puedas alinearte contigo misma y ayudarte a crear un anclaje y construir una estructura que te permita llevar a cabo tu propósito.

Uso una técnica integrada que utiliza la Astrología Evolutiva, agregando algunos elementos del Diseño Humano y Claves Genéticas para complementar el tema principal de las carta; Estas últimas técnicas son una síntesis de sistemas ancestrales y modernos como la Astrología, el I Ching taoísta y las secuencias de códigos genéticos del ADN, que contienen un conjunto de patrones, son valiosas herramientas para el entendimiento humano, se revela la manera en la que absorbemos información y cómo estamos estructurados genéticamente para ser seres únicos. Tu cuerpo es un vehículo, estas viviendo según tu diseño?

La sesión se graba, después de la lectura se te entregará un video y una serie de imágenes ilustradas de la sesión. Todas las sesiones son en línea; para programar y confirmar una cita, el pago debe hacerse por lo menos 48 horas antes de la sesión. Información necesaria: fecha, hora, lugar de nacimiento + tres preguntas.

progressiones- retorno solar lectura integral



(lighting, BTC or credit card (additional 8% paying via CREDIT CARD)

Pay with Zelle monika@monikabravo.com $333

Click here to pay via Venmo- last # 8610 $333

thank you



For 1:1 mentorships please get in touch with me to set up an interview, minimum 6 sessions within 6 months:

price x session $333 or pay in full $1,800

1:1 Mentoring - Tutoria individual


The moon is the self-image, the ego - mentoring will help you recognize your conditioning and figure out how to make changes to support your authenticity in your journey. I will work with your natal chart by applying somatic techniques to reconnect you to the ecology of your emotional language. Here we will create a safe space with an integral approach that addresses the meaning and offers an in-depth process of the embodiment of new perspectives. We will use practical and playful applications of diverse modalities such as somatic therapies (awareness of the felt sense), deep listening, authentic relating (a relational practice of presencing a flow state), and shadow work (self-awareness on the psychological projections that mislead us believe what we perceive as being real.) In turn, we become conscious of the emotional body, which guides and drives the human experience.


La luna es la “Persona”, la imagen que tenemos de nosotros mismos, el ego, la tutoría te ayudará a reconocer tu condicionamiento y descubrir cómo hacer cambios para lograr tu autenticidad. Trabajaré con tu carta natal aplicando técnicas somáticas para reconectar con la ecología de tu lenguaje emocional. El objetivo es crear un “espacio seguro”, más allá de lo material con un enfoque integral, que continúa abordando los “sentidos” y ofrece un proceso profundo sobre la materialización real de nuevas perspectivas. El enfoque es objetivar y sintetizar estas aplicaciones prácticas y lúdicas tomando conciencia del cuerpo emocional, que guía e impulsa la experiencia humana. A partir de diversas modalidades, como la terapia somática (conciencia de los sentidos), la auto indagación compasiva (el escuchar profundamente), la relación auténtica mediante el uso de una modalidad circular {una práctica relacional con la inmediatez de crear una presencia que genera un estado de flujo} y el trabajo Jungiano de la sombra ( autoconciencia sobre las proyecciones psicológicas que desorientan lo que percibimos como real).


These workshops and courses have given me the ability to facilitate my offerings:

  • Online BioGeometry Advanced Training with Doreya Karim & Laila Karim

  • Online BioGeometry Foundation Training with Doreya Karim & Laila Karim

  • Yearly online Seminar PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS, Saifedean Ammous.

  • Planets, portals + Pythagoras (online private practice) with geometer Adam Tetlow, door and window geometries from Ancient Egypt, Hellenic Greece, European gothic and Islamic architectural traditions, and an in-depth study of the many forms of geometric arches.

  • Compassionate Inquiry® (Self-study) a psychotherapeutic approach developed by Dr. Gabor Maté that reveals what lies beneath the appearance we present to the world.

  • Advanced Master Program on the Treatment of Trauma, The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM), Ruth Buczynski, Ph.D. Stephen Porges, PhD, Deb Dana, LCSW, Peter Levine, PhD Janina Fisher, Ph.D. Pat Ogden, Ph.D., Bessel van der Kolk, MD

  • How to Work with the Part of Trauma That Your Patient Can't Verbalize with Peter Levine, Ph.D. and Ruth Buczynski, Ph.D., The National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM)

  • Trauma & Addiction Gabor Mate workshop wholehearted.org

  • The Wisdom of Trauma: Reclaiming Wholeness With Gabor Maté, Julie Brown Yau, and Betsy Polatin hosted by Science and Nonduality (SAND).

  • Discovering the Wisdom of Trauma With Gabor Maté, Betsy Polatin, and Laura Inserra by Science and Nonduality (SAND)

  • Healing Trauma with Self-Compassion Gabor Maté, Betsy Polatin, by Science and Nonduality (SAND)

  • Listening through Dialogos & Circling John Vervaeke Ph.D. & Guy Sengstock

  • The masters series 2021, Trauma edition, with Peter Levine, Stephen Porges, and Bessel van der Kolk moderated by Guy Macpherson

  • Professional Online Beginner Studies in Jungian Studies (The Jung Centre)

  • Advanced studies in Jungian Studies (The Jung Centre)

  • Awaken your own truth, Simon Vorster, Raising vibrations

  • Sensemaking 101, 2020, Rebel wisdom, faculty: Daniel Schmachtenberger, Diane Musho Hamilton, John Vervaeke, Doshin Roshi, David Fuller, and Alexander Beiner

  • Progressive, Intensive Online Course, and The Formula, Joe Dispenza

  • Metamorphosis Mentoring 1:1 Simon Vorster (2 years)

  • Evolutionary Astrology school Simon Vorster - Basic, Intermediate + Advanced studies + Saturn, Chiron, Essential Needs courses. (Certificate)(2 years)+ all short courses, Saturn, Chiron, essential needs…

  • Evolutionary Astrology with Ari Moshe Wolf + Soul to Soul companion mentoring.

  • DNA Academy with Dylan Vorenhorst (Living your design_Human design immersive)

  • Human Design - Health coaching by Kim Gould - Love Your Design (2 years certificate)

  • LIVE! The energy of Sound Workshop- vagus nerve and sound by Jim Donovan.

  • 12 weeks Crypto Coaching Course, the Cryptic poetic with Tansy Baigent

  • The Bitcoin Standard, the Fiat Standard, Saifedean Ammous.

  • Sayloracademy.org, Austrian economics, Saifedean Ammous

  • Metaphysics & Mystery Charles Eisenstein 

  • Ongoing Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychology practice - Kai Mantsch

  • John Marchesella, 1 year Astrology course, the New York Open Center, 1997

  • Taoist practices with Sat Hon LONGMAN DRAGON GATE COMPLETE REALITY ALCHEMY (Nutrition, TCM, Qigong, 2004- 2014 (10 years)

  • Taoist practices with Nan Lu, 2003- 2004

  • Taoist practices with Kwan Sai Hung, New Paltz NY 2005

  • Zen Buddhist practice, Thich Nhat Hann, Blue Cliff Monastery, NY

  • Kabbalah courses- NYC 2011-2014

  • Sivananda Vendata NYC- 4 paths of Yoga, Bhakti, Jnana, Raja, Karma Yoga. 2005-2009

Booking availability | Disponibilidad: Contact me below: