



Monika has an innate ability to connect the stars with the complexity of a career in the arts.

Monika has an innate ability to connect the stars with the complexity of a career in the arts. It’s so great not to have to explain the precarity that comes from following your heart, she is able to connect your chart to where your passions simultaneously help and hinder your path. I came away with insight on how to better find balance and not fall for illusions. Thank you, Monika.


Monika tiene una habilidad innata para conectar las estrellas con la complejidad de una carrera en las artes. Es genial no tener que explicar la precariedad que surge de seguir tu corazón, ella es capaz de conectar tu carta a como tus pasiones ayudan y/u obstaculizan tu camino al mismo tiempo. Salí con una idea de cómo encontrar mejor el equilibrio y no caer en ilusiones. Gracias Monika


monika bravo