

I create meaningful content that integrates #Evolutionaryastrology #Humandesign, #Jungian #shadowwork #somaticpractice #polyvagal toning, #taoist #iching etc.

In summary the synthesis of a long period of time investing in multiple languages/ tools for the alignment of my soul with source.

By creating a specific intention of sharing this content, I am stepping into a new horizon, a platform where I am willing to grow.

I write and record myself almost daily, self-inquiry is second nature with a prominent Pluto placement (8th house, moon Scorpio at the MC, ruler of my north node in cancer 5th house).

As a multidisciplinary artist, I feel confident sharing content both in animated language and in written form, yet as in life, it is a work in progress…

My Writings are published every Friday they can be read either in medium or substack please subscribe if you fancy my content, most of all I am of service, and joy is my motivation.

I encourage you to find the proper authentic language to practice and share your journey within your community, my intention is to inspire other beings to be authentic.

Posts tagged synthesize